Things that I can and will call myself (and some possible variations) because they are what I am and as I call myself these things, the power of other people to call me them to hurt me lessens.
Gay, faggot (fag, faggy, fagmodeus, faglicious) cocksucker (cockgobbler, cockgoblin), queer (queerdo, queerling, etc), fudgepacker (ass bandit, butt pirate), limp-wristed, nelly, sissy, light loafered, helium heels, Mary, Judy, Miss, Lady, Ma’am, Miss Lady Ma’am, She, Her, Hers
Please note: This list can and will probably grow. I’ll still probably ban/block/delete/scour people from my life who use these words to try and hurt me, especially if they are in no way like me. Especially if they are punching down.
Slurs used against other people to punch down that I won’t use
You know what these are, I’m not gonna list them out here. Mostly because I don’t know where I learned them and am sort of grossed out that America has taught me (a generic gay white boy) a list of really gross words to have at my beckoned call whenever I get really pissed off by something.